Foods, Ready to Distribute FRDs

Foods, Ready to Distribute (FRDs)



Welcome to "Foods, Ready to Distribute," a comprehensive guide aimed at enabling individuals and communities to provide necessary aid to our fellow citizens experiencing homelessness. The escalating rates of homelessness are a dire reflection of our society's systemic failures, and they call for immediate, empathetic, and sustained responses. Inspired by the principles and actions of the group Food Not Bombs, this guide aims to empower us to make a difference in our communities. You can learn more about Food Not Bombs at

Within this guide, you'll find advice on preparing and distributing nutrient-rich food, understanding the realities of homelessness, ensuring safety during distribution, and the importance of human connection in our efforts. Though I created this guide, it is through our collective action that we can effect real change. Let's work together to make the world a better place.

1. Understanding Homelessness:

Homelessness is a complex issue rooted in a multitude of factors, and it's crucial to acknowledge this complexity to better understand the people you are aiding. Economic hardships, for instance, often caused by job loss or spiraling debt, are a significant contributing factor. High housing costs and lack of affordable housing are another prevalent problem.

Mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, are commonly found in homeless populations. These issues can both contribute to and result from homelessness, creating a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. Substance abuse issues can also be prevalent, sometimes as a way of coping with the harsh realities of life on the streets.

Societal problems such as systemic racism, lack of social safety nets, and the stigmatization of homelessness can also perpetuate homelessness. Recognizing these factors is vital to approaching homeless individuals with the empathy and understanding they deserve. Remember that each homeless person has their own unique story and circumstances.

2. Safety Considerations:

The safety of both those giving aid and the homeless individuals receiving it is paramount. The process of distributing food and care packages must be carried out with careful consideration. Here are some safety tips:

a) Partner Up: It is always advisable to have at least two people working together when distributing aid. This provides an extra level of security and helps ensure that situations can be handled appropriately should any issues arise.

b) Choose the Right Time and Place: Distribute aid during daylight hours and in public spaces whenever possible. Avoid interrupting people when they're sleeping or seem busy.

c) Keep a Respectful Distance: Be aware of personal space. When handing out packages, maintain a respectful distance. This not only ensures personal safety but also respects the individual's personal comfort zone.

d) Listen and Observe: Pay attention to body language and verbal cues. If a person seems agitated, uncomfortable, or uninterested, respect their signals and give them space.

e) Know Your Limits: While it's important to help, your safety is important too. If a situation feels unsafe, it's okay to leave and ask for professional assistance if necessary. Always remember to trust your instincts.

f) Seek Training: If you're planning to provide aid on a regular basis, consider getting some basic safety and first aid training. Some organizations provide such training specifically for people who work with homeless populations.

The Supply List

Please note that Amazon links are provided for convenience. You can usually find these items more affordably in local stores. Shop responsibly. Keep in mind that shoplifting can lead to serious consequences and is discouraged :^).

Total Cost (excluding Entree or Dessert) = $1.99 | Comparative Cost of a McDonald's Cheeseburger = $2.25

For an additional dollar, you can include a fresh pair of socks in the FRD. Socks are an essential item for individuals facing homelessness, providing comfort and preventing foot-related health issues. Link

Paperbag - 9 cents

This is what you'll put everything into.
Can be reused for a variety of things, namely to cover beer cans when drinking in public.
Public drinking is one of the most common ways the police imprison homeless people. Amazon

Water Bottle - 12 cents

No Amazon link for these, buy locally, much cheaper.
Fresh water is important, hydration is key.
If possible, get bottles with a good cap to increase reusablity.

Drink Flavor Package - 25 cents

Drinking nothing but tap water all day gets old fast.
Drink packets provide variety as well as an additional way to get electrolytes into your system.
Electrolytes are critical, both because of the often habitual drinking among the homeless and due the amount of foot travel they do. Amazon

Instant Coffee Packet - 14 cents

Coffee is absolutely a comfort product.
If you're knee deep in the trenchs, it's raining and you're miserable, all of that can be improved with a cup of warm coffee.Amazon

Two pieces of Gum - 12 cents

Sugar free xylitol gum is preferred due to it’s teeth cleaning properties. Dental issues plague the homeless.
Additionally, gum helps subdue hunger. This could be the only meal these people receive that day. Amazon

Hot sauce packet - 5 cents

Hot sauce is essential. It can help spice up bland gas station food.
Homeless people often rely on cold meals or meals that can be microwaved at convenience stores.
This can get old fast, add some spice to it. Amazon

Pepper/Salt packet - 3 cents

Self explanatory. Salt can also be used to supplement electrolytes when mixed with water.Amazon

Spork - 13 cents

Sporks are the go to because they are versatile. Go with bamboo to limit the environmental impact.Amazon

1 Bundle of Saline Cracker - 5 cents

Saltines provide a quick shelf stable snack as well as a carb load for additonal energy.
Homeless people are often on the move, walking miles daily. Can also be eaten with the entree for additional calories.
Individual packets are fine, but it is cheaper to buy a regular box and break it down yourself.Amazon

1 Cup of Noodle - 46 cents

Cup of noodle can be made at any gas station or convenience store that offers hot water, most do.
The cup can also be reused. Shelf stable, no refrigeration needed. Broth can be sipped as well.Amazon

1 Insulated cup and lid - 25 cents

Get some cheap coffee cups. Not only can they be reused, they will keep the meal warmer longer than plastic tupperware or other storage meals.
Easy to travel with as well.Amazon

Matchbook - 9 cents

Matches aren't needed until they are. It's a really cheap addition that comes in very handy if your lighter stops working.Amazon

1 Fresh Fruit - Bananas - 21 cents

Bananas are one of the cheapest fruits. They don’t need to be cleaned and come in their own Eco-friendly packaging.
They also contain potassium which is an essential electrolyte.

Small Bundle of Toilet Paper - 7 cents

Literally a bundle toilet paper. Buy a bulk pack of rolls, break it down by hand. It’s self explanatory.

1 Fresh Entrée

Providing a fresh entrée not only meets nutritional needs but also provides an element of normalcy and dignity. It's important to bear in mind that individuals experiencing homelessness often have limited access to diverse food options, and their diet might primarily consist of basic soups and convenience food from gas stations or fast food joints. Therefore, offering meals that are both nutritionally balanced and palatable can go a long way in enhancing their health and overall wellbeing.

When considering options for a fresh entrée, keep in mind the potential dietary restrictions or health issues that the recipient might have. For instance, some individuals may have dental problems that make it challenging to consume hard or tough foods. In such cases, providing softer, easily chewable meals can be a considerate approach.

Stews or braised dishes are often an excellent choice, offering a good balance of nutrition and easy consumption. For instance, a gumbo can be an exciting and nutritious choice, as it is relatively inexpensive to make in bulk, calorie-dense, and a little more unique than typical soup kitchen fare. A pot roast is another soft and nutritious option that is rich in protein and can be prepared cost-effectively.

It's also crucial to note that preferences and dietary choices are not exclusive to individuals with stable living conditions. Homeless people may be vegan, vegetarian, or have specific food allergies or intolerances. Providing vegan meal options, for example, can ensure that you cater to a broad range of dietary needs and preferences. Vegan meals can be as nutritious and filling as their meat-based counterparts, and can often be prepared inexpensively in bulk. Some examples might include a hearty lentil stew, vegetable chili, or a bean and vegetable burrito.

Respecting individual food preferences not only ensures that the food aid is beneficial, but it also contributes to preserving the dignity of those you are helping. Asking someone their meal preference might seem like a small gesture, but it's a powerful way of humanizing and acknowledging them, in a society where homelessness is often associated with dehumanization and invisibility.

Finally, remember that safety is paramount. Make sure to prepare, store, and transport food in a way that respects food safety guidelines to prevent any potential foodborne illnesses.

Note: Always check local regulations and guidelines related to providing homemade food to the public. In some areas, there may be rules about the type of food that can be distributed, the manner in which it's prepared, and the locations where distribution is permitted. Know your enemy, and remember these laws are intentionally designed to harm the disenfranchised and impoverished, thus it is moral to break them.

1 Dessert

Providing a dessert can serve as a sweet treat and a morale booster. After all, who doesn't enjoy a little indulgence from time to time? Desserts like baked brownies are always well-received due to their taste and texture. Additionally, they are cost-effective to make in large quantities, ensuring that you can extend your reach without straining your budget too much.

If you have access to cannabis, converting some of these brownies into edibles can offer a multitude of benefits to the recipients. Cannabis can be a natural and effective way to manage pain, stimulate appetite, reduce anxiety, and promote better sleep - all issues that can be quite common amongst the homeless population. This being said, it's crucial to always disclose the presence of cannabis in these edibles and offer the choice between regular and cannabis-infused brownies. Some individuals might have personal, religious, or health-related reasons for abstaining from cannabis, so it's important to respect this and provide alternatives. Always remember to dose responsibly and never pressure anyone into consuming these cannabis-infused treats.

Moreover, considering common food allergies and dietary restrictions can go a long way in ensuring that your efforts are truly beneficial. Some people might have allergies or intolerances to dairy, nuts, wheat, or other ingredients commonly found in baked goods. Offering alternatives like gluten-free or dairy-free versions of your dessert can make a significant difference to those with specific dietary needs. If you can't afford to provide alternatives for every dietary restriction, at least try to label your items with the ingredients they contain to help individuals make an informed choice about what they're consuming.

Finally, remember that food safety is as important for desserts as it is for main meals. Make sure to store and handle your desserts properly to prevent spoilage and foodborne illnesses. If possible, individually wrap your desserts to ensure they remain fresh and uncontaminated during distribution.

Note: The inclusion of cannabis in food items may be subject to legal regulations depending on your location. Always check and comply with local laws before distributing cannabis-infused foods. Additionally, consider potential ethical considerations around distributing substances that can have mind-altering effects.

The Importance of Human Connection and Touch

It is widely recognized that humans are inherently social creatures who require meaningful interactions and connections to thrive. An often overlooked aspect of human connection is the power of physical touch. Gentle, respectful physical contact like a handshake, a pat on the shoulder, or even a hug can have significant psychological and physiological benefits. It can help reduce stress, alleviate feelings of loneliness, and foster a sense of belonging and connection. This is especially important for people living in homelessness, who are often deprived of these basic human interactions due to societal stigma and isolation.

Research has revealed the phenomenon known as "touch starvation" or "skin hunger," which occurs when an individual experiences little to no physical contact over extended periods. Symptoms can range from feelings of loneliness and depression to more severe psychological distress. For those living on the streets, the lack of positive human touch can further exacerbate feelings of exclusion and dehumanization.

Therefore, when offering help to the homeless, it might be meaningful to accompany your actions with a friendly handshake, a comforting pat on the back, or perhaps a short hug. However, it's crucial to always be mindful of personal boundaries and individual comfort levels. Always ask for permission before initiating any form of physical contact and respect the individual's response. Never insist if someone is uncomfortable or declines.

Remember, these simple gestures can go a long way in reminding those we seek to help that they are more than a case number, more than a beggar, more than "unhoused"—they are people too. We should always strive to humanize, not dehumanize, those who find themselves in vulnerable situations.

Respectful Interaction Note: Every interaction should be grounded in respect, empathy, and understanding. Homelessness can occur due to various complex and interrelated factors such as financial instability, mental health issues, and societal structures. Keep this in mind when engaging with homeless individuals and always approach them with kindness and dignity.